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Eco Perfect Science


The first thing one must know about Eco Perfect fuel catalyst is that it always works—always. It can’t do otherwise as it is based upon a fundamental property of physics; charged bodies attract. It does not matter if the particle is the size of an atom or the size of the moon—charged bodies attract.

But to understand how it applies to combustion and what it has to do specifically with our fuel catalyst, we need to look at a few fundamentals.

To begin, our catalyst is not actually a “chemical” process and, consequently, if one looks for a chemical explanation for the events that occur you’ll miss it. Yes, combustion is a chemical process and is studied within chemical engineering departments at universities and yes, if you want to enhance combustion, you normally do it by adding additional chemicals.

Certain ones add oxygen to the combustion cycle like methanol or ethanol while others create more temperature or affect the ignition of the fuel, like ethers such as MTEB (methyl tertiary butyl ether). Still others suppress or restrict the ignition point.


Tetraethyl lead was used for many years to do just that but after little kids started to develop lead poisoning by simply breathing the air in large cities, our petroleum industry thought it a good idea to remove lead from gasoline.

All these actions enhance the combustion process somehow chemically and when you take into account that each additional chemical (in the case above, alcohol or hydrocarbon) contains some extra energy or heat, there will be some added energy from the additive itself: heat from fuel + heat from additive.

In the case of the Eco Perfect catalyst we are not adding more heat by adding more chemicals nor are we adding more oxygen in the form of alcohols, etc.

Therefore one cannot really call this an additive in the same sense as MTEB or methanol. So how can Eco Perfect “enhance” the combustion process?

If we take a look at a dynamometer test that was done in Reno, Nevada, we can see that indeed we do enhance combustion as we saw an average betterment of 3.8 percent in fuel economy.

This may not sound like a lot but this test was done on a newly rebuilt diesel with only several hours of operating time and is absolutely a cookie cutter result of the average 4% betterment that we have seen on hundreds of similar tests done over the past 15 years?


Here’ a simple explanation that is as non-technical as possible. A fuel molecule (hydro-carbon) is made up of hydrogen and carbon—diesel is a long chain of these molecules. All crude, which diesel is distilled from, comes from old plants (carbon) and hydrogen (mostly from water) and this stuff has been forced down below the earth’s surface over eons of time, lower and lower into the earth, becoming compressed there by the increasing temperatures and pressures.

In physics and chemistry, heat is simply motion. When the plant material and hydrogen got pressed together in the earth, stored motion or stored heat got stuck into a little space between the hydrogen and carbon. That little space is known as a bond. It is this deep-earth heat, which got locked-up in those little spaces between the hydrogen and carbon (the bonds), that gets released in the combustion chamber and sends your truck down the road.

Now, how do we get this stored heat out of the bond? You can do it with a match or with a spark (as in the case of gas engines) or you can do it with mechanical energy. In each case you are simply adding more heat into the process and when you do so the bond between the hydrogen and carbon becomes overwhelmed and releases.

In the case of a diesel, we suck the diesel into the cylinder and compress it. What are we doing? We are adding more heat via a mechanical process. I was a guy with a strong mechanical engineering background that was raised around and worked on caterpillar diesel engines since I was a kid on a big working farm in Missouri.

I had always noticed, when we would repair those bulldozers or farm tractors, that there would be a coating of carbon on the exhaust manifolds and in the combustion chambers when we would break down the engines for overhauls.

That carbon could only come from one place, the fuel. Basically it meant that a small percentage of the fuel did not release all of its heat. One could see it where it had cooled on the inside of the engine and consequently one got no benefit from that amount of fuel. Plus, while repairing those engines it became apparent to me that unburned fuel was the number one cause of engine failure—the friction created by all that carbon was what caused engine to wear. The only thing that was more harmful was not keeping dirt and grit out of the motor. That’s why it is so important to change regularly your fuel, oil and air filters.

Now, to understand how we burn more fuel with our catalyst, we need to look at the combustion process. When that injector sprays the fuel into the combustion chamber, the piston begins to compress it with atmosphere (which got pulled in via the intake valve). As that fuel molecule (hydrocarbon) begins to get compressed by the mechanical action of the piston, that compressed atmosphere heats up. The mechanical energy (the piston squeezing) gets converted into heat energy.

But from a physics viewpoint, what one is witnessing is an increase of motion inside that cylinder. Those fuel molecules and atmosphere molecules are really moving and that motion makes them bang into one another.

Physics calls all this banging together; collisions. The hydrocarbon is colliding with the oxygen and when they do, the bond between the hydrogen and the carbon breaks. That little packet of heat that was stored between these two elements comes apart and the heat is released. When that heat is released, it creates more pressure inside the cylinder and that pressure (motion) gets transferred to the crank.

In engines, these collisions we are referring to above are random. In other words the hydrocarbons and the oxygen have to run into one another inside the engine. Normally they do so in a cloud of compressed gas and the hydrocarbon comes apart, releases its heat and then bonds to the oxygen at a lower energy level (less heat) and becomes water vapor (H20). When the carbon from the hydrocarbon comes apart it too bonds with oxygen and becomes carbon dioxide (C02).

Both of these chemical reactions occur at a much lower bonding energy. The old molecule gives off its heat and steps down to a lower energy level (which both H20 and CO2 are).

Now there is also another factor going on and that is time. There is just so much time for this process to happen. If some of that fuel does not collide, it does not give off its heat and also within a small fraction of a second the exhaust valve is going to open and out through that exhaust manifold will go that unburned fuel. Hence, the heavy coating of carbon that one sees there.

It is interesting if you read in combustion science texts, they all say that, “The fuel combusts completely within the combustion chamber as there is enough time to do so”. If that is true then what is all this black stuff on the exhaust manifold—duh!

In Reno, when the engine was running under a full load on its baseline fuel prior to the addition of the ECO Perfect catalyst, if you walked outside and looked at the exhaust, you saw dark smoke. Why? All of the fuel was not burning—heavy load, pouring lots of excess fuel into the combustion chamber, no additional time is added, and so consequently unburned fuel is released out the tail pipe, dark exhaust.

Interesting when the same was done after the engine was running on the Eco Perfect catalyst, no smoke was seen. Why?

The reason is that you are adding a highly-charged solid H2O molecule. That is what we have worked on for 17 years now. It is not liquid H2O. Instead it is a tiny (not much bigger than an atom) solid piece of eight water molecules stuck together. It is the particle we discovered years ago and it acts as a tiny battery.

Many people think that we are adding more oxygen to the fuel so it burns better but that is totally incorrect, this particle acts as a true catalyst and what I mean by that is that it does not become part of the combustion process, its oxygen or hydrogen is not released and does not enter into the combustion reaction. Plus you only need a tiny amount; a few milliliters of the catalyst will treat a hundred gallons of fuel.

The particle is extremely stable and will go all the way through the engine and end up in the gases that come out the tail pipe. It is such a minute percentage that it is undetectable with 99% of existing analytical equipment. Once it does get into the environment, high UV light (sunlight) breaks it back into the liquid phase of water.

So the entire process does not change the emission stream one bit. And that is a vital important difference.

All additives, ALL, ALL, ALL additives, (did I stress that all enough?) all additives change the combustion process by adding a new additional chemical compound into the equation. This process does not. To begin with, there is already water in all fuel, somewhere around 50 to 100 parts per million or higher, so we are adding nothing to the fuel. Plus, our particle only imparts one thing to the process, a charge. And it is that charge that makes the interaction between oxygen and the hydrocarbons more consistent and take less time.

How do we do it? First we make the charge on the water particle act like a known catalyst. Catalysts simply make chemical processes happen faster, better. We have spent nearly 17 years refining this process.

In a nutshell, we take that little solid H2O particle and via a reactor we have built in Corpus Christi, Texas and one near Kansas City, Missouri, we pull those minute solid nanometer size H2O particles out of the liquid phase of water and stick them to the fuel molecule. What happens next is that a large (relative to the size of the molecule) electrical charge gets transferred from the solid water particle to the fuel molecule.

Remember what we said at the beginning. Charged bodies attract. After we put the fuel through the process above, the hydrocarbon has a tiny electric field around it. That field increases the reactions of oxygen in its vicinity and that is the change we see in the combustion chamber—now all the fuel combusts.

When the injector sprays the fuel inside the combustion chamber there are no “random” collisions between the fuel molecule and the oxygen. What occurs now is a complete ordered set of collisions as the oxygen is pulled with a very significant force to the hydrocarbon. This eliminates all missed collisions so that the consequence is a clean, (very clean) combustion cylinder, clean exhaust ports and a more efficient engine that has burned all of its fuel. That is also why if you went outside and looked at the exhaust stack in Reno when that same engine was put under complete load but now running with the fuel from the barrel that had the catalyst in it, there was NO smoke. complete combustion was occurring.

It is the same reason we see emissions going more and more towards zero as all the fuel burns. Unburned fuel shows up as hydrocarbons or carbon monoxide and both are harmful to the air we breathe. All of this is because of a slight increase of combustion efficiency and actually can be easily missed with most engine dynamometers as they have a 5% error of measurement—so it is important to know what one is searching for when testing.

What cannot be missed is the overall condition of the engine if you simply let the engine continue to run on the catalyzed fuel. When you see all carbon vanish from the combustion chamber and the exhaust ports become spotless and the stacks on the diesel have no carbon, one begins to wonder what is happening. It is simple;you are witnessing an engine return to its best possible combustion scenario.

For instance, let’s say an engine’s best mileage was 10 MPG. That was when it was new or shortly after. Two years later, it is now at 8.5 MPG. It has lost 15% of its mileage, not uncommon, very typical. What will happen to that engine? It will return to its best mileage ever and then move ahead about 4 percent.

So that engine will get about a 19% improvement in mileage. How long will it take? Depends on the engine—we used to use a rule of thumb that said run it 10 percent of its miles or hours to get the best result. If the truck had 200 thousand miles, one would see the best result at 20 thousand. But now with our latest improvements to the process, best results are seen within 5% of the engine’s mileage. In that time you will see complete results. But they are dramatic when you allow the process to
have enough time to work.

With a diesel, a great deal of the improvement comes from removing the carbon which has built around the injectors. When the atomized spray pattern of the injector changes so does efficiency. That is one of the main causes of worsened fuel economy. But one should expect a 14 to 25% improved fuel economy on average as most vehicles on the road today are somewhere from 10 to 20 percent below their best ever mileage and again we take the engine back to its best ever mileage and then 4% past that point.

And you have done this without harming the environment. Sure this is not an instant quick fix. Quick fixes are ethers or alcohols or other solvents such as toluene. Yes, they work quicker but using them is likened to using heroin for a tooth ache. Smart people find out what is CAUSING the tooth ache and fix that.

We have over the last hundred years been so spoiled by our petroleum based chemical society that we only accept fast and quick violent fixes. But just as one does not want to become addicted to heroin or oxycontin to fix a tooth, a sane individual looks at fixing the right problem rather than poisoning our atmosphere with quick fix additives.

Fortunately the Clean Air Act is mandating that all additives be removed from fuel unless one can prove that no harm is occurring to the environment. New regulations are coming that say you must also somehow improve combustion so as to lessen the effect of carbon on the world.

Eco Perfect does this perfectly. Cause all the fuel to burn, add nothing to the combustion process. That is the right solution. Nothing (no new chemicals) will come out the tail pipe and since it causes all the fuel to burn what does come out the tail pipe is CO2 and water vapor H2O.

We also find that we lower combustion temperature—thus we lower NOX. Plus, we create a longer, cooler burn. This increases torque, as the longer the burn, the greater the lever arm on the crank of the engine. Just ask many of the NASCAR drivers that have used this . . . well . . . maybe they won’t admit it.

The extra economy is simply that all the fuel burns, carbon is eliminated as unburned fuel and the engine functions at its best, plus 4%. It is really a simple but highly effective solution to the problem of emissions and lost fuel. One last thing, most engines are full of carbon so don’t be surprised if you see much better results. The dirtier the engine, the more improved mileage you will see. We doubled the economy of a school district. It is not hard to do if you start with extremely unmaintained engines that do mostly start, stop and go driving, like a school bus.

The US Marine Corp Light Armor Division recorded an 11 to 18% improvement in economy. They are now testing this year on emissions. They are a bit slow on their tests, but we will see drastic reductions in emissions.

But the best benefit—extended engine life. An engine that see’s no carbon will see no or nearly no wear. Don’t believe it? Check the oil. Sample it at oil changes. Do metal testing. The metal content due to wear will disappear. How do we know?

We did a 6 month test on 50 garbage trucks in Houston, Texas. Results? Engine wear via metal contaminates reduced by a factor of 10!

This is a revolutionary product based upon a fundamental discovery in physics.We can reduce the carbon load on Earth by 20 percent today without harming a single life or plant.

Everyone wins when that happens.

Thanks for reading.


David Gann

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